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Find out what your home is really worth

Get a real-world home value estimate
in less than two minutes.

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How home value estimates are calculated

Online home valuation tools look at millions of transactions to predict what a home is worth but they're often missing crucial data, making them inaccurate. By asking a few specific questions about your home, we can add a new layer of information to our estimates and get closer to an accurate value for your home. But even that can only get you so far.

If you want to get even closer to your home's true value, we’ll connect you with a top real estate agent near you. Local real estate agents can physically view the property, they list homes like yours every day, they know the neighborhoods, they know what's trending, and they can call out unique characteristics of the property. No online tool can do all of that.

Publicly Available Data

Compile tax records and assessments with other data sources.

Publicly Available Data

Compile tax records and assessments with other data sources.

Publicly Available Data

Compile tax records and assessments with other data sources.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are net proceeds in real estate?

How is a home's value calculated?

What adds value to a home?

How do free home value estimates work?


What Our
Customers Say

Meet some of our customers, read their stories, and imagine what EffectiveAgents® can do for you.

ShopperApproved rating based on over 1,274+ reviews
Quotation Mark provided me with the names of three high performance realtors, two of which contacted me within 5 minutes. The realtor I selected has proven to be one of the best I have encountered in my 8 home sales experiences. He has referred me to local resources he knows and trusts for the repairs I need to address for optimizing my home for sale. I highly recommend as a great resource for finding a performance-proven realtor to help you with the sale/purchase of home

J.F. Jimenez

31st Aug 2022 in PA

Quotation Mark provided me with the names of three high performance realtors, two of which contacted me within 5 minutes. The realtor I selected has proven to be one of the best I have encountered in my 8 home sales experiences. He has referred me to local resources he knows and trusts for the repairs I need to address for optimizing my home for sale. I highly recommend as a great resource for finding a performance-proven realtor to help you with the sale/purchase of home

J.F. Jimenez

31st Aug 2022 in PA

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