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Enter your address to see how much your home is worth, then use the latest commission data for your area to estimate what you'd pay your real estate agent if you sold.

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Using real estate transaction data from thousands of home sales each year, you can see how the average real estate agent commission in your area has changed over time and get an idea of how much it costs to hire a top real estate agent to sell your home.National vs. Local Real Estate Agent Commission Rates
What is the average commission for a real estate agent across the nation?
Real estate agent commission rateNation average for real estate agent commissions broken down by year.
John SmithTampa, FL
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John SmithTampa, FL
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John SmithTampa, FL
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John SmithTampa, FL
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John SmithTampa, FL
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John SmithTampa, FL
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backgroundSee average real estate agent commission rates in cities across the U.S.Learn more about how real estate agent commissions work and how they've changed over the years.
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